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Offering couples, individual, and group services for adults and adolescents.
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Consultation and coaching services are designed for anyone wanting to improve their quality of life and maximize their potential.
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Offering training in both small and large group settings. Learning should be fun.
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Groups provide a powerful avenue for personal and interpersonal growth.
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psychotherapy services - calm lakeIn my psychotherapy practice I am committed to honoring the uniqueness of each individual client. I rely on a scientifically-based knowledge of psychological theory and research to inform and guide therapy sessions. I work to strengthen my own personal well-being, believing that the more fully I accept and understand myself, the better equipped I am to help others. There is an emergent quality to my work that at times seems both mysterious and powerful. Clients report experiencing change “from the inside out”. I am amazed and excited by my work every day.

I have trained in a variety of mindfulness approaches, including an interpersonal meditation practice called Insight Dialogue (www.metta.org). In addition, I have over 25 years of personal meditation practice and have completed numerous mindfulness retreats. This background greatly influences my work with most clients and informs the Mindfulness Awareness Training I facilitate. mindfulness awareness training 2018

General Psychotherapy Services

  • LGBTQI Issues
  • Relationship Concerns
  • Disordered Eating
  • Anxiety
  • Perfectionism
  • Challenges with being Gifted
  • Challenges with being Artistic
  • Grief/Loss
  • Medical Concerns
  • Depression
  • Counseling for Parent/Adult Children Dyads
  • High Functioning Autism
  • Caregiving Challenges
  • Learning Disorders
  • Couples Counseling
  • Attention Disorders
  • Empty-Nesting
  • EAP Counseling

Couples Counseling Services

  • Conflict Resolution
  • Polyamory Negotiations
  • Premarital Coaching
  • Separation/Divorce Counseling
  • Discernment Counseling
  • Impact of Early Relationships on Current Relationships