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Offering couples, individual, and group services for adults and adolescents.
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Consultation and coaching services are designed for anyone wanting to improve their quality of life and maximize their potential.
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Offering training in both small and large group settings. Learning should be fun.
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Groups provide a powerful avenue for personal and interpersonal growth.
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Career Training

career training - cliff scene

For your career and professional needs, I focus primarily on working with you to identify possibilities and solutions that you may not have previously considered.

My career training clients often report they find themselves more competent, successful, and actively creative in their lives. Challenges that seemed unsolvable became manageable. Positive change is the result.

Career Training and Academic Services

  • Career Planning
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Resume Writing
  • Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers
  • Work Group Productivity
  • Maximizing and Regulating Attention
  • Confronting Procrastination
  • Perfectionism
  • Motivation
  • Test Anxiety
  • Overcoming Research and Writing Blocks
  • Communication Skills
  • Organization
  • Enhancing Creativity
  • ADHD Coaching